
EMSCULPT: build muscle and burn fat quickly

Index How many times have you looked in the mirror and wondered how you could lose that ‘stubborn’ fat and finally define your muscles? How many times have you felt frustrated with diets and physical exercise that didn’t bring the desired results? Imagine if you could get rid of that stubborn love handle around your […]

Cruroplasty: the definitive solution for fat and saggy thighs

Index If fat and sagging legs are something that bother you, a Cruroplasty could be the answer you are looking for. Also known as a thigh lift, a Cruroplasty is a plastic surgery that aims to eliminate excess fat and skin in the thigh region, providing very satisfactory results for those who want firmer legs […]

Vitamin D and autoimmune pathologies

What is vitamin D? Vitamin D is commonly known as the sun’s vitamin. However, it is actually a fat-soluble hormone whose functions are not just about maintaining bone health. According to recent studies, the deficit of this compound seems to be associated with a higher risk of contracting opportunistic infections, of developing cardiovascular, oncological and […]

Nutritional care before and after bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery is characterized by a surgical intervention for the treatment of obesity, in which the digestive system is altered in order to reduce the amount of food tolerated. Individuals who choose this line of treatment considerably reduce their food intake, which promotes rapid weight loss. This rapid loss is the main reason for the […]

Lymphatic drainage: the whole truth

Importance of good lymphatic drainage Our body is made up of several systems that work together to ensure proper functioning and thus achieve a state of full physical, mental and social well-being. This full state is the definition of health, so valuable and desired for us and our loved ones. Health has always been an […]

The obesity pandemic

O flagelo da obesidade

Obesity true facts Obesity is a problem that affects all countries around the world. Its incidence ranges from 74% in American Samoa to 2.1% in Vietnam. Portugal is more or less in the middle, with approximately 20% (2019 census) of obese people. Obesity is calculated by measuring the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is found […]

Biostimulation injections

Bioestimulação injectavel

Biostimulation consists of stimulation of collagen production by the body, through the injection of exogenous substances such as calcium hydroxyapatite, poly-L-lactic acid or physical methods such as microneedling, radiofrequency, micro-focused ultrasound or laser. Injectable methods are currently the most popular. They can be applied for volumizing and improving the texture of facial and body skin, […]