The facelift, also known as facial lifting, allows complete rejuvenation of the face and neck through excision of the skin and repositioning of the deeper layers.
The goal is to treat signs of aging in the face. People who progress to a facelift have usually already made some basic aesthetic treatments, such as butolinic toxin (botox) or fillers with hyaluronic acid, but even so are no longer able to disguise the natural aging of the skin and so are looking for more lasting results.
It is often performed with fat grafts, thus allowing the lost volume to be restored, especially on the cheekbones.
The scar around the ear is easily camouflaged and generally barely noticeable after a few months.
For those who would like a facelift but do not want surgery, Living Clinic offers the minimally invasive Facetite procedure that can achieve near-Facelift results without surgery, without downtime, without scarring, without general anesthesia or hospital stays.