Trichology is a branch of dermatology focused on the study of hair, the scalp, and body hair.
This specialty diagnoses and treats disorders that affect these areas, such as hair loss and breakage, inflammations, infections, and scalp diseases.
Often, simple hair loss can be a symptom of thyroid problems, anemia, vitamin deficiencies, or autoimmune diseases. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with a specialist doctor.
At Living Clinic, Dr. Paola Halfeld is responsible for Dermatology, Trichology, and Aesthetic Medicine.
Dr. Paola Halfeld is a specialist in Dermatovenereology by the Portuguese Medical Association, Dermatologist by the Brazilian Medical Association, and a Master in Public Health by the University of Porto. She is a member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV), the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD-RJ) and the International Trichoscopy Society.
With a special interest in aesthetic dermatology and trichology, she offers personalized and innovative care at Living Clinic, in Porto, guaranteeing exceptional results for her patients.
Dr. Paola performs a complete physical examination for skin cancer screening on all her patients.
There are various treatments available to help address the issue of hair loss. Among the most recommended procedures for hair loss are Hair Mesotherapy and Hair PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma).
In cases of significant hair loss, where these treatments cannot restore hair density, a hair transplant may be indicated.
Below are the details of the mentioned treatments:
Hair mesotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment in which substances are injected into the scalp to treat a pathology and/or stimulate hair growth. Various active ingredients can be used in this technique, ranging from nutrients to medications.
The composition of the mesotherapy treatment is determined by the diagnosis underlying the hair loss. Due to the numerous therapeutic possibilities with this technique, it is widely used for individuals experiencing hair loss, baldness, and other forms of alopecia.
Mesotherapy sessions are typically conducted on a monthly basis, although there may be situations requiring shorter intervals between sessions. The number of sessions will vary depending on the diagnosis and the response time to treatment. In cases of baldness, for example, results are usually visible starting from the fourth month of treatment.
Capillary PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) is an autologous treatment, meaning it involves a small blood draw from the patient that is then centrifuged to separate the platelet-rich part of the blood from the rest.
Subsequently, the PRP is reinjected into the patient’s scalp, releasing growth factors into the dermis that strengthen the hair. Therefore, this treatment is widely used to stimulate hair growth and is a strong ally in the treatment of baldness.
At Living Clinic, Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) is used, which offers several advantages compared to PRP. PRF has a higher concentration of growth factors and does not require the use of citrate in the blood collection tube, ensuring a completely pure material for use in the patient. Moreover, the PRF extraction method results in plasma without pro-inflammatory factors that could be detrimental in certain types of alopecia.
Hair transplant involves extracting follicles from areas where hair is abundant and unaffected by baldness, and transplanting them to areas with thinning or no hair. The most commonly used technique nowadays is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), which is much less invasive than methods used in the past and leaves minimal visible scars.
This treatment is common for baldness as it can restore hair density in affected areas. Besides treating baldness, it can also be used for other forms of alopecia and even for beard transplantation.
Alopecia is a generic term that refers to hair and/or hair loss. It can occur partially or completely, and may be permanent or temporary. Because there are different types of alopecia, a precise diagnosis is essential to access the most appropriate treatment.
Some examples of alopecia include:
Baldness or androgenetic alopecia has a genetic origin and is one of the most prevalent causes of hair loss, affecting more than half of men and about one-third of women over 50 years of age. In this condition, there is a progressive weakening of hair follicles usually in the areas of the temples and crown in men, and more diffusely in women.
Hair loss is a normal process when there is no loss of more than 100-150 hairs per day. When these numbers are exceeded or there is a very pronounced hair loss in a specific area of the scalp, it may indicate a pathological condition such as hormonal or nutritional changes, for example. During the specialist consultation, the causes will be investigated in addition to examining the scalp and hair strands.
Nas doenças capilares, quanto antes se obtém o correto diagnóstico, antes se inicia o tratamento adequado, o que resulta num melhor prognóstico.
Na consulta com a dermatologista especializada na área capilar/tricologia, é realizado o exame físico completo, que inclui a dermatoscopia do couro cabeludo e a tricoscopia.
Em casos selecionados, também poderá estar indicada a realização de uma biópsia do couro cabeludo.
Essas práticas somadas a uma vasta experiência na área possibilitam o diagnóstico correto e o tratamento mais assertivo.
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