
Hair PRP

Growing stronger hair
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Hair PRP (or Platelet Rich Plasma) is a non-invasive procedure in which a small sample of blood from the patient is centrifuged in order to separate the PRP from the rest of the blood.

The PRP is then reinjected into the patient’s scalp, releasing growth factors in the dermis that will strengthen and boost hair growth.

As in facial treatments with PRP, this method is also very effective in strengthening hair and for hair loss treatments.

Hair PRP treatments are for chronic or seasonal hair loss.

In 30 minutes without anaesthesia. We recommend 4 sessions every 2 weeks.

✔️ Increases blood flow;
✔️ Accelerates collagen production;
✔️ Develops cell proliferation;
✔️ Stimulates and encourages hair growth after seasonal hair loss;
✔️ Increases the diameter of the hair, giving it more volume;
✔️ Prolongs the anagen phase of the Hair Cycle;
✔️ Slows down the effects of Alopecia;
✔️ Recovers tissues and follicles after hair transplant;
✔️ Accelerates the healing of the donor and recipient areas.

PRP treatment combined with Hair Mesotherapy treatment promotes even faster and longer-lasting results.

The appearance of results with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment varies considerably from patient to patient. Consider at least 3-4 months as an expected period.

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