
Breast implant surgery

Silicone implants for breast surgery
Table of Contents

Breast implant surgery, or breast augmentation, is a very popular surgery today. It is usually done to improve the size and/or shape of the breasts (including asymmetries).

At Living Clinic, implants are made with silicone (with various sizes and shapes to choose from) and provide very harmonious and balanced results.

Implant materials are designed to be safe and biocompatible, offering a natural feel and appearance when placed into breast tissue.


Scars from Breast Implant Surgery

Different types of implants can be used in a surgery and they can be placed in front of or behind the pectoral muscle.

There are also three types of incisions: at the level of the armpit, around the nipple or at the level of the infra-mammary fold. Only after a careful consultation and explanation of all these details is it possible for patient and surgeon to make a joint decision on how to proceed.

At Living Clinic, we understand that scars are a major concern and that they play a considerable role in the decision. Our commitment to your well-being includes not only achieving the aesthetic results you desire, but also ensuring a smooth recovery and minimizing the visibility of scars.

Scar care is not just limited to exceptional surgical work. We offer detailed guidance on post-operative care to optimize healing.


Schedule a consultation to hear our professionals’ recommendations for your particular case and clarify all your doubts.

Silicone implant materials are designed to be safe and biocompatible, offering a natural feel and appearance when placed in breast tissue.

Schedule your appointment now!

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