
Mommy Makeover®

Your body back
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A mommy makeover is a complementary combination of cosmetic / plastic surgery procedures performed to help women recreate the body they had before they became pregnant.

The most performed surgeries are abdominoplasty (to remove loose skin and regain firmness in the abdominal area) and breast enhancement (which may include breast lifting and / or breast augmentation – mastopexy or breast augmentation). Liposuction can also be included to help sculpt the body.

Often, after childbirth, the woman’s body has some changes that seriously annoy them. In the breasts, resulting from weight gain, volume and breastfeeding, there may be a significant increase in breast volume that decreases with weight recovery, resulting in an excess of skin that gives the woman’s breast a sagging air or atrophy of the mammary gland.

In the abdomen, what is most bothering to most is the flaccidity and excess of skin, sometimes the stretch marks, the “apron belly” abdomen and changes in the shape of the navel. These changes negatively influence the woman’s self-esteem.

When no further pregnancy is considered, not because there is any incompatibility with another pregnancy, but because the aesthetic results obtained may be compromised.

It is common for women’s bodies to exhibit the following changes after pregnancy:

In the breasts, resulting from weight gain and breastfeeding a significant increase in breast volume may occur which in itself does not decrease with weight recovery, excess skin which gives the breast a drooping air or an atrophy of the mammary gland.

In the belly, what bothers most is the flaccidity and excess skin, sometimes the stretch marks, a bulging aspect with which the abdomen is, and changes in the shape of the navel.
These changes can be significant, making the woman feel very dissatisfied and seek her quick recovery.

In the initial medical consultation, the opportunity to treat both areas (belly and breast) is identified and discussed, something that can be performed in a single 2-in-1 surgery. There is a reduction in costs – when compared to the performance of two separate surgeries – having also only one recovery period.

We now explain better how the surgical procedure can be approached:

In the abdominal region:

  • The bulging aspect of the abdomen that many women present after pregnancy is due to a distancing of the abdominal muscles – diastasis of the recti that must be corrected in surgery by repositioning them;
  • Excess skin and stretch marks: the skin that was stretched during pregnancy may not have the elasticity to return to the initial position after delivery;
  • Localized fat: after childbirth some women are unable to regain weight before pregnancy or some deposits of localized fat remain in the belly, flanks and back.
    In the umbilical region, there are sometimes small hernias or changes in shape that are corrected with a herniorrhaphy or omphaloplasty. In addition, excess skin is removed, giving a toned and tense air to the abdomen.

In the breast: there may be ptosis (drop in the position of the areola and nipple), with excess skin and atrophy of the gland; or an increase in unsightly breast volume and a sensation of heaviness in the cervical spine and shoulders.

Depending on the situation, a mini-abdominoplasty or an abdominoplasty can be performed, which, in most cases, can be complemented with liposuction. Mastopexy (with or without prostheses) are the most common procedures performed on the breast after pregnancy – it consists of removing excess skin and repositioning the areola and nipple and returning an aesthetic form to the breast. In some cases, only a breast augmentation or a breast reduction may be necessary.

The recovery period depends on the extent of the surgical procedures performed, in general it varies between one and three weeks.

Due to the great transformation that the body will undergo in a single step, the degree of satisfaction of patients who undergo this type of intervention is very high, being considered a boost in the self-esteem and appreciation of the woman’s body image, being surgeries that have growing demand.

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