
What is the price of a liposuction?

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It is not legally permissible to disclose the exact price of surgeries, including the price of liposuction, nor would it be possible for us to do so, as the price varies significantly depending on multiple factors, which we will explore below.

However, after reading this article you can get an idea of what liposuction might cost.


What does the price of liposuction depend on?

All we can say is that the price of liposuction at the Living Clinic, a plastic surgery clinic in Porto, is often between €2500 and €7000, but can be higher or lower depending on a number of factors.


Complexity and expected duration of the surgery

More complex surgeries, which are expected to last longer, will raise the price of renting the operating room and will require higher team fees, including the fees of the surgeon, assistants, nurses, anesthesiologists, instrumentalists, etc.

Before the surgery, you will receive a detailed plan of the surgery with an estimated budget according to the expected duration of the surgery. However, it will be mentioned in the plan that if you need additional time in the operating room or days of hospitalization, an additional cost will be charged.


Area to be treated

For example, liposuction on the flanks or chest doesn’t last as long as liposuction on the abdomen, arms or thighs. Depending on the area of the body to be treated, the price of liposuction can also vary, as this again affects the duration of the procedure.


Hospitalization days

The cost of liposuction will also depend on the number of days spent in hospital, which can vary from 0 to 2 days, depending on the complexity and region of the body being treated.


Use of additional equipment and accessories

Whether or not additional equipment and technology is used, such as Microaire or Bodytite technology, will vary the final cost of the surgery.

Likewise, in certain cases, it is necessary to include other materials and accessories, such as prostheses (in the case of mastopexy with prosthesis) and items that are essential for recovery after liposuction, such as compression belts.


Combination with other surgeries or minimally invasive treatments

Liposuction is often combined with other surgeries or non-invasive treatments at the same time. For example, we’ve done liposuction with abdominoplasty, liposuction with mastopexy, liposuction with Bodytite or liposuction using the aspirated fat to fill in other areas of the body with little volume. In these cases, the price of the surgery will be higher.


What other costs (not included in the liposuction surgery) should the patient be aware of?

In addition to the cost of the surgery itself, you should take into account other costs that you may have to incur before or after liposuction. Some of these costs may include

  • Anti-inflammatory medication and other drugs;
  • Post-operative dressings (with the exception of those included in the surgery budget);
  • Compression garments (not included in the surgery budget);
  • Expenses with pre- or post-surgical diagnostic aids (examples: clinical analysis, chest x-ray, ECG, abdominal ultrasound, breast ultrasound and mammography, anatomopathological analysis);
  • Post-surgical follow-up and rehabilitation sessions. The aim of post-surgical rehabilitation sessions is to aid recovery by mobilizing the limbs (lower or upper), treating edema, treating the scar, treating the skin, assessing and correcting posture, and recommending adapted physical techniques or exercises. At Living Clinic, the cost of the surgery already includes 1 session of post-surgical physiotherapy;
  • Lymphatic drainage sessions (recommended after surgery) – except for the 1st session which, in the case of Living Clinic, is offered;
  • Scar care (e.g. scar creams or, at a later stage, non-invasive scar reduction treatments);
  • Among others.

Not all of these costs are incurred by everyone, but you should be aware that you may need some of this care and therefore end up with some additional expenses.


Make an appointment

If you think that liposuction could be a solution for your particular case, schedule a consultation with the plastic surgeon in charge, Dr. Francisco Martins de Carvalho, so that you can clarify all your doubts and receive a personalized surgery plan with the respective budget. You can do this by filling in the form below.

Visit our Liposuction page to find out how it works, what the post-operative period is like and other relevant information. See also the case of the Living Clinic patient who had liposuction on her flanks and buttocks, combined with liposculpture (for buttock augmentation) in our page Liposuction Before and After.

Important note: The reference price ranges presented here are based on real cases of liposuction surgery at Living Clinic and may change if there are variations in the services to be provided, including changes in the duration of use of the operating room, cost of drugs, hospitalization, or others.

Learn more about our Non-Invasive Liposuction treatment

Surgeon in charge of the surgery

Dr. Francisco Martins de Carvalho
Dr. Francisco Martins de Carvalho

Dr. Francisco Martins de Carvalho is a specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. He graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and completed his Internship in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Hospital de São José (Lisbon) and the Hospital de São João (Porto).

He currently works at the Hospital de São João - Porto, and is also a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.

In the field of aesthetic surgery, he is particularly interested in facial aesthetic surgery, breast aesthetic surgery, body contouring surgery and female intimate surgery.

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